NQ Gallery is proud to be a selected partner In 2025-2026, the 140th anniversary of Vincent van Gogh’s time in Antwerp will be marked, highlighting the significance of this period […]
Contemporary Art
NQ Gallery is proud to be a selected partner In 2025-2026, the 140th anniversary of Vincent van Gogh’s time in Antwerp will be marked, highlighting the significance of this period […]
in flux / in limbo, between decay and elevation When we walk through an exhibition, we often step into a world of transition: a space where artists transcend time and […]
A sculpture dialogue between Antwerp and Middelkerke Upon entering NQ Gallery for the Sculptural exhibition, you are immediately overwhelmed by a sense of space and innovation. Artist Nick Ervinck curates […]
Brabant Cultureel In this interesting article, Irma van Bommel, journalist for Brabant Cultureel, takes the time to speak with but especially listen to Frank van der Linden, the founder of […]
08.06.2024 — 29.09.2024 Contemporary art nestles into the intimacy of Museumhuis De Gheus and enters into dialogue with Lucien De Gheus’s oeuvre and his passion for music, dance and movement. […]
09.06.2024 — 28.07.2024 In collaboration with the Verwey Museum Haarlem, NQ Gallery is exhibiting a collection of masks from the project SOTT ( Sign Of The Times), an initiative by […]
Read Yves Joris’ full story “The exhibition Orange Offset with works by Alexander Tinei at the NQ Gallery marks a new phase in the still-unfolding career of this artist. Born in 1967 […]
Emmanuelle Castellan – ‘Spektrum’ In Brussels, under the zenithal aperture of La Verrière, curator Joël Riff has been highlighting visual artists in a plural configuration since 2023, based on the […]
It was a real pleasure to contribute to the artistic project of the Botanic Health Spa and Henry’s Bar with artworks by Marc Mulders. This collaboration resulted in more than […]
Wonderkamer van de WAARHEID “Soms moeten we op anderen vertrouwen. Maar op wie dan wel, en op wie niet? Wat voelt echt en wat fake? Als film, boeken en theater […]
09.02.2024 – 22.09.2024
12.04.2024 – 18.08.2024
Yves Joris bezocht NQ Gallery en zag dat het goed was: “Ik hou van expo’s die een cerebrale uitdaging vormen, tentoonstelling waarvan je pas achteraf beseft dat er meer gelijkenissen […]
Marieke Bolhuis & Per Adolfsen in NQ Gallery Metershoge sculpturen in openlucht als Big Sister en de laatste tijd ook buitenmaatse bloemen die een kruising zijn tussen plant en mens. […]
Anne Silverstrand Forest (°1983, Alkmaar) is beeldend kunstenaar en maakt schilderijen en sculpturen, waarbij mensen en andere wezens een hoofdrol hebben. Haar werk is beinvloed door de iconen van heiligen […]
OIRSCHOT – Net voor de storm zitten ze stevig op hun plek: de nieuwe glas-in-loodramen in de Sint-Petrusbasiliek in Oirschot. Kunstenaar Marc Mulders en voormalig pastoor Leendert Spijkers zien voor […]
GNI-RI sep2023 / Wie de naam van kunstenaar Nick Ervinck zegt, denkt dadelijk aan de metershoge gele sculpturen die over de ganse wereld opduiken. Maar dit is slechts een deel […]
GNI-RI sep2023: het is de formule waarmee de internationaal bekende Belgische kunstenaar Nick Ervinck (°1981) aangeeft dat het om een solotentoonstelling gaat. Gladde gele sculpturen en 3D-prints, daar wordt hij […]
BLOEM displays a selection of Verwey’s flower still lifes alongside those of contemporary, well-known painters, for whom flowers or plants also form a recurring theme. Although the way they do […]
Very happy to see Stacii Simidin featured on Gallery Viewer with a beautiful video. He speaks about being born and raised in Rotterdam-East, a district where he shared his life […]
With that question in mind, I stepped inside the exhibition GEIST which is on display at NQ Gallery until July 2nd. Read the in-depth article on our current groupexhibition, written […]
Gallery Viewer, an online contemporary art platform, interviewed artist Aline Thomassen in the context of her upcoming exhibition at the gallery. Read the full interview here. “The themes in my work […]
In the framework of our ongoing collaboration, we warmly invite you for a concert at the Botanic Sanctuary Antwerp on April 5th at 8 pm. Dionysos Now!, led by Tore […]
Gallery artist Stacii Samidin ended second in the Paul Peters Fotoprijs, a price for socially engaged photography. The latter is given alongside the most prestigious award in photojournalism and documentary […]
Nick Ervinck will be exhibiting at the Sculptura #1 – A Journey of Discovery festival in Tour & Taxis in Brussels. The exhibition will run from February 10th to March […]
After showing a selection of earlier works at the Botanic Hotel, Marc Mulders will now have a space devoted to his work, midst ancient monastery walls. At walking distance from […]
On December 3rd, it’s a year ago that we opened our new space in Antwerp. Many of you have been following our program since. The gallery is growing with a […]
An article about Marc Mulders on Gallery Viewer, an online contemporary art platform, just came out! Read the full article here.
Gallery Viewer, an online contemporary art platform, interviewed artist Marc Mulders in the context of his current exhibition at the gallery. Read the full interview here. “Een schilderij mag zich […]
From November 4th to March 19th, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague, presents the work of Alexander Tinei. The human body as the alpha and omega of the image. […]
After four years, BIG ART’s pop-up art fair is back in the former Bijlmerbajes. From 4 to 6 November,the doors of the old Main Building will open to the public. […]
Anne Silverstrand Forest was nominated for the Victoriefonds Cultuurprijs in 2022. Watch the video below to find out what influences her and to get a sneak peek at her atelier. […]
A glimpse of last Friday’s opening of ‘Birth, Skin and World’ with works by artists Levi Malfait, Erwin Keustermans and guest Francis Vanhee, captured by Oona Smet. See it for […]
His Majesty King Willem-Alexander will present The Royal Award for Modern Painting 2022 in Amsterdam on Wednesday morning, September 21. Three young artists will be awarded and will each receive an amount […]
In the section ‘The gallery of’ we talk to a host of gallerists from the Netherlands and Belgium: when and how did they start their gallery, what has changed in […]
Thanks to all who made it to the opening last Friday to celebrate the inauguration of the new exhibition ‘Embodiment, with sculptures by Natasja Alers and paintings by Ronald Zuurmond. […]
NQ Gallery is excited to collaborate with Botanic Sanctuary Hotel Antwerp. With every gallery show, its exhibiting artists will also present works at the high end hotel. Each chapter of […]
He was born (1987) and raised in Rotterdam-East, a city district where he shared his life with many people with Indonesian roots, people with a strong sense of solidarity with […]
‘Embodiment’ is a duo exhibition of sculptor Natasja Alers and painter Ronald Zuurmond. In it, the emotive potential of material, colour and movement binds the works in space. The eye […]
The art of painting of Alexander Tinei: A process from eighty to one hundred percent For anyone who likes paintings in which a story is suggested rather than told, the […]
05.03 – 22.05.2022 NQ Gallery Artist Marc Mulders is part of this exciting exhibition with his work Crack L.A. nr II from 1989. It shows another broad table, reminiscent of […]
Natasja Alers is working on a new nipple vase in Design Museum Den Bosch. Spoiler alert, the vase will have a height of 1 m! Read the article here.
Thank you, Marc De Coninck, for the kind words in this exciting interview with Gallery Viewer in Belgian newspaper De Morgen. Read the article here. [De Morgen 14.03.2022] © Gallery […]
Natasja Alers talks about her work and says that ‘Nipples are still shocking.’ [Algemeen Dagblad 11.03.2022]
On the verge of Spring, NQ gallery opens ‘Angels and Outcasts’, a solo exhibition of paintings by Moldovian artist Alexander Tinei. Working from cut out media images, the bodies in […]
We’re excited to announce the upcoming solo exhibition ‘Silverstrand’, with paintings and objects by Anne Silverstrand Forest, which will open on January 21st and run until March 13th 2022. The […]
We got featured in the new issue of KLEI magazine. Order your copy here: https://www.klei.nl/magazine/2311/2022-1
Natasja Alers – Ingrid van der Hoeven – Johannes Nagel – Stacii Samidin – Johan Tahon – Alexander Tinei – Ronald Zuurmond. With guest artist Martin Assig (graphic works and […]