Gallery Viewer, an online contemporary art platform, interviewed artist Aline Thomassen in the context of her upcoming exhibition at the gallery. Read the full interview here.
“The themes in my work are very human and as Stijn Huijts (general and artistic director of the Bonnefantenmuseum) said, suffering is always present. I intertwine this with a lust for life, pride and the strength to survive. People recognise themselves in my work. That is also what drives me in art: that you can share and communicate a feeling for life, the surface under everyday life, the unmentionable. In addition, I have always been looking for a different image of women, a different recipe for being human than what is forced on us from our culture. This is expressed in my work in images of women who are not busy meeting expectations, who are playing a role, who are not in someone else’s field of power.” – Aline Thomassen